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Kneecare Capsule

Kneecare Capsule

  1. C. quadrangularis helps in reducing pain, swelling, and fracture mobility and accelerate the healing of fracture bones by 30-50%. Ayu. 2015 Apr-Jun; 36(2): 169–173./Indian Journal of Medical Researches 64(9): 1365-1368.
  2. An effective treatment of gastric ulcers which generally occurs with pain killers.  Natural Product Sciences 10 (5): 217-219. Korean Society of Pharmacognosy
  3. Analgesic effect of C. quadrangularis in fracture cases Is equivalent to Aspirin, thus useful in fracture and arthritis.
  4. Postmenopausal women are at particular risk toosteoporosis because the loss of estrogen associated with the menopause leads to bone loss of much greater magnitude than expected on the basis of age alone. Treatment with C. quadrangularis helps in remineralisation of bone and stopping osteoporosis.
  5. The venotonic effect of C. quadrangularisis very useful in painful hemorrhoid.Garima Mishra  et al /Int.J. PharmTech Res.2010,2(2)            
  6.  Sankh bhasma provides natural calcium and vitamin C for the development and maintenance of healthy bones, teeth and cell membrane.
  7. Sankh bhasma relieves the body from the condition of calcium deficiency without any side effect like constipation and acid formation in stomach.

  8. Dosage: 1 capsule 3 times a day preferably with milk.

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